Friday, August 13, 2010

History Time Lines

I feel history is something that everyone should study. As the saying goes, if you forget your history, you are doomed to repeat it.Well it seems like history is getting the short end of the stick in schools now days. The No Child Left Behind law pushes reading,spelling,and math so much that history,science,and art has been basically pushed to the side. Well I feel that if you do have your children in public school then you as the parent NEED to expose your children to history. They NEED to know how this country was founded, why is was founded, and what happened in this world's early history. I mean everything we do TODAY was built on YESTERDAY!

There are wonderful programs that UNC-TV and PBS show all the time. I love the Ken Burns shows! There are also lots and lots of reading books now geared toward children that are historical fiction based on nonfiction facts of that time.  When I was growing up the Little House on the Prairie was my favorite! This series of books was based on Laura's life, which I always found fascinating!  Whether it is a book or a documentary, you can use this as a great family time activity! You and your children will learn something that you didn't know before!

Over on Squidoo I discovered an article or as Squidoo calls them "lenses" that covers all types of history time lines.  It has links to printing times lines,etc. So if you are a history buff or feel your child needs to learn more about history, then follow this link on over there:
I hope you enjoy!

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