Saturday, September 11, 2010

Your child's medical emergency plan?

In my Health,Safety,and Nutrition class this week, an important reminder was given to the class.  Our instructor reminded us to always be aware of the children in our class that might have life threatening issues, such as allergies,seizures, or asthma.  She asked those that worked in centers how many kept epi-pens, seizures medicines, and asthma inhalers locked up? Everyone that worked in a center raised their hands.  She said that's not right. She told us that in North Carolina those items are to be taped 5 feet up on the wall with the child's name and info on it. Of course she said covered with a piece of paper for privacy laws. Most were like that's not the policy of the school,etc.  She then asked IF these items are locked away, how are you going to reach them in that split second that the child has a life threatening emergency? So that got me to thinking, how many of you have a child with such an issue? Do you know what your center/school has planned for these events?  Do they train their employees on the use of Epi-pens, seizures, or asthma?  This is something you might want to go over with them. Another good question is does any substitutes coming into the class know this vital information? And if your child is in after school programs does the Epi-pen, seizure medicine, and asthma inhalers follow them? What good does it do to have these at the school if they are in another building when they are needed?  I just thought this might get you to thinking about your child's medical emergency plans at school. Each state varies on the requirements for this but you can call and get this information. I hope this helps you be more prepared.

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